Bernise: Upload Logo Go to Dashboard → Appearance → Customize → Site Identity. Upload a logo and site icon. Add/edit site title and tagline. Click on the “Publish” button to save changes.
Makena: Upload Brand Logos Go to“Dashboard” → “Brands” → “Add New”. Go to “Featured Image” and assign an image to your post. Click “Publish”. Once you publish your post, go to “Dashboard” → “Widgets” → “Makena: Featured Brands” and and select the sidebar(Flexible Widget Area 1 to 3) you want to place it.
Makena: Upload Logo Go to Dashboard → Appearance → Customize → Site Identity. Upload a logo and site icon. Add/edit site title and tagline. Click on the “Publish” button to save changes.
FashionID: Upload Logo Go to “Dashboard” → “Appearance” → “Customize” → “Site Identity”. Upload a logo and site icon. Add/edit site title and tagline. Click on the “Publish” button to save changes.